Friday, March 9

the run up to 21

well, spring break is here. 3 days of work, then 3 days of camping. then 1 day of partying.
hopefully there will be a new computer involved in the mix. also, financial stability would be great too. :D
been feeling pretty crappy lately. allergies are a bitch. my throat is still sore and scratchy. i need to exercise more, it makes me feel better.
school goes well, but i need to get more of my reading done. but there are much more exciting things to than read sociology, like play WoW or watch the DVR.
I think i would like to do a research project (thesis, dissertation, independent study, whatever) on the influence of music on social movements and their public influence. how does the music and artists connect with the people and get them active and/or vocal? i know that music in the sixties for the civil rights movement influenced people, the punk movement of the seventies. heck, even the songs sung by slaves in the fields to get them to the north would be somewhat relevant. there's a lot of material out there. it's just a matter of collecting it, analyzing it, synthesizing it and writing it. woohoo!

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